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The Most common form factor for SSD (Solid State Drive) in the market is the 2.5" size but today we have a chance to have a review on Kingston SSDNow V+ 180; a 1.8" SSD but its performance is just as good as other 2.5" SSDs where it is able to achieve read and write speeds at 200MB/s and 180MB/s; pretty to close to its specifications. Kingston SSDNow V+ 180 is using MLC NAND flash memory and TRIM is supported which is used to enhance the device wear leveling by eliminating merge operation for all deleted data blocks. Other great features of SSD over HDD are shock proof and zero noise since there are no mechanical moving part within the drive. Read more...
Kingston SSDNow V+180 64GB Micro SATA II 3GB/S 1.8 Inch Solid State Drive SVP180S2/64G Price $139.99

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