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The 6850 is a joy to test and use in day to day PC life. A lot of what we have been saying here gets put into a bit more perspective when you look at prices. At time of writing this, Newegg have the HIS Radeon 6850 1GB for $179.99. The cheapest NVIDIA GTX 460 1GB is $199.99. Drop down to a GTX 460 768MB and prices are better (around $160), but the 768MB won't perform like either of these two 1GB cards can (although in some games it could be close).
So you're getting a lot of card for your money then. And that's always a good thing. Read more...
HIS Radeon HD 6850 1 GB (256bit) GDDR5 Eyefinity Display Port HDMI 2x DVI (HDCP) Retail (RoHS) PCI Express X16 2.1 Video Card H685F1GD Price $179.99

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